South Minneford Yacht Club-RULES

Members' Area

Rules and Regulations 


All vessels entering, leaving or docked in the marina are subject to the following: 

A.1      The currently applicable Rules of the Road and Navigation Laws apply to all vessels entering or leaving slips and the Marina.

A.2      Only boats used for pleasure and in good condition shall be permitted in the marina for long term dockage (more than three days).  Good condition will be defined as clean, free of extensive bottom growth and attractive in appearance.  Judgment of the condition of boats in the marina will be made by the Dockmaster and confirmed in writing with agreement of at least 3 members of the Board of Directors.  Boats must be able to enter the marina under their own power.

A.3      Only houseboats capable of achieving a speed of at least 7 knots under their own power and give evidence of intermittent use for travel (twice a year) will be permitted in the Marina.

A.4      No labor skilled or unskilled, mechanical or otherwise shall be permitted on any portion of the premises for the repair or maintenance or for the new installation of equipment aboard owner’s or renter’s boats unless covered by Workmen’s Compensation Insurance.  The Dockmaster is to be informed of persons going to any vessel in the absence of the owner.  The owner or renter, his agents, independent contractors, and employees are permitted to perform minor maintenance and repairs on their own boats.  Arc welding, spray painting, power sanding creating airborne dust and sand blasting are not permitted on the docks.  No parts or rigging may be left on the docks at any time.  Major sanding and scraping of one’s vessel while in the slip is prohibited.

A.5      No engines are to run in gear while the boat is moored or tied in a slip.  Engines run at idle, shall not be loud or for extensive periods.

A.6      Head sails on all sailboats must be removed by December 1st.  Covers must be removed on all boats by May 15th.

A.7      Dinghies, which are in the water at the Marina, should be kept in the forward position of the slip to keep the waterways open  for other maneuvering marina vessels.  Dinghies may be kept at a designated area near the ramp, space permitting; at current marina storage fees.



For the safety of all boaters and SMYC marine facilites, the following rules are applicable:

B.1     In the event of an emergency, i.e. breakdown of bilge pumps, bad lines, loose equipment,  etc., during an owner and/or renter’s absence or when contact cannot be made by telephone notification, management is authorized to make the necessary repairs as economically as possible.  Charges for such action will be the responsibility of the boat owner.

B.2     In an emergency, management is authorized to move any boat from the space owned or rented to any other location in the marina.

B.3     Electric and water service to the docks and slips may be discontinued as a result of weather or other extraordinary emergency conditions at the discretion of the Dockmaster with confirmation of the Board of Directors.

B.4     In storm and high wind conditions, it is required that all vessels make prior radio contact with the marina, before entering the marina.

B.5      The use of insufficient or worn dock lines is strictly forbidden and the management may replace all such lines with suitable dock lines at its discretion and without advance notice to the owner or renter.  The cost of such measures shall be paid by the owner and/or renter.  The following specifications apply to the use of lines for all boats permanently docked at South Minneford Yacht Club:  Line size for boats up to 28’:  1/2” line, 28’ to 38’:  5/8” line, over 38’:  3/4” line.  For each boat:  2 bow lines with snubbers and chafe guard, 2 stern lines with snubbers and chafe guard, and 4 spring lines.

B.6     Owners and/or renters shall not store supplies, dinghies, material accessories, or debris on walkways, docks, or slips.  Approved Marine electrical extension lines and water hoses must be rigged or positioned to avoid obstructing the walkway or the dock and slips when in use.  When not in use, they must be coiled and/or gathered safely away from the walkway of the docks and slips.  Furthermore, electric lines must be rigged in a manner that prevents immersion.

B.7      Dockmaster and/or his staff the right to gain entry by whatever means are necessary in an emergency.  This action will be taken at the owner’s expense without liability to the Marina.

B.8      Sailboats should not be sailed into or out of the marina.

B.9     Children under 12 years of age are prohibited in the marina or any part unless accompanied by a parent or adult.  It is required that children under 12 years of age wear life jackets while on the docks.

B.10   No bicycle riding will be permitted on the walkways, docks, or slips.

B.11   Charcoal barbecuing along the docks, slips, and boats docked at the marina are prohibited except in the designated areas.

B.12    Rafting is not permitted in the marina.


Appearance/Boater Conduct

The enjoyment of the  boating experience at SMYC requires a respect for both fellow boaters and the appearance of the marina.  The following rules apply:


C.1     In the marina, noise shall be kept to a minimum at all times.  Owners and/or his/her family, guests, employees, and licensees shall use discretion in operating engines, generators, power tools, radios, televisions, CD/tape players, musical instruments, or other noise producing apparatus.  Loud noise will not be permitted between the hours of 11:00 PM and 9:00 AM.

C.2     Swimming, pleasure diving, and fish cleaning anywhere along the docks, slips, and boats docked at the marina is prohibited except in the designated area.  Casting, crabbing, trapping, bait keeping in the water, and other similar pursuits anywhere along the docks and slips, except from boats is prohibited.  Only drop line fishing from boats is permissible in the marina.  All other type of fishing will be permitted on the outer breakwater dock at the dockmaster’s discretion.

C.3      No sign,  illumination, advertisement, or solicitation shall be exposed on or inscribed on or at the window or other part of the boat.

C.4     No house style television aerial shall be attached to or hung from the exterior of the boat without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors.

C.5      No exterior air conditioning device shall be permitted on the owner’s and/or renter’s boat without the prior written approval of the Board of Directors.

C.6     Laundry shall not be hung on boats, docks, or slips in the marina.

C.7      Boaters are required to maintain silencing devices on all halyards, rigging, and equipment.

C.8      Live-a-boards are not permitted in the marina, during the period December 1st thru March 15th.



D.1      The roadways, docks, and waterways of the marina shall not be obstructed or used for any purpose other than entering or exiting the slips and parking area.

D.2     Owners and/or renters shall not construct or install on walkways, docks, or slips any lockers, chests, cabinets, steps, or similar structures unless such structures are approved by the Board of Directors.  Dock boxes are permitted and have maximum dimensions of 50” L x 22”D x 28”H.

D.3     Occupants of the slips North of the main walkway should not keep lockers or similar structures on the main walkway that impedes marina traffic to the slips.

D.4      No physical addition shall be made to any slip unless recommended, authorized, and supervised by the Board of Directors or their designee.  Furthermore, neither slip nor dock may be altered or extended to accommodate a dinghy, with the exception of a forward line harness of a non-permanent type.

D.5     Owners are permitted to install docking wheels or other fittings on their individual slips after prior notification and the approval of the Dockmaster.

D.6     All moveable objects on the docks must be removed by the posted date as of the close of season.  This excludes dock boxes, steps,  hoses, power lines, and phone lines.

D.7     Dinghies, small boats, equipment, trailers, and any other materials stored on South Minneford Yacht Club upland property after May 15th of each year will be assessed $100 per month storage fee to be paid monthly for the period of May 15 through November 15.  Any of the above stored on land for the period November 15 through May 15 will be required to be secured and maintained in a responsible manner.  SMYC assumes no responsibility and or liability for any items stored on the club property.  All storage on SMYC property requires prior approval of the Dockmaster.

SMYC  complies with  the  applicable   Coast Guard and Federal/State environmental regulations.  The following rules apply:

E.1     Owners and/or renters shall keep their boats in a good state of preservation and cleanliness and shall not sweep or throw or permit to be swept or thrown therefrom, any refuse, garbage or other substances.

E.2      No person shall discharge oil, spirits, holding tank waste, inflammable liquids or oily bilge fluids into the waters, or property, surrounding the marina.

E.3      Garbage and refuse shall not be thrown overboard and shall be placed only in receptacles supplied by the marina for that purpose

E.4      If there is evidence that an owner and/or renter’s boat is infected with vermin, insects, or other pests, the Management will notify the owner and/or renter to take steps to correct the situation.  If there is no response from the vessel’s owner and/or renter within three (3) days of such notification, then the Management may authorize an agent, contractor, or workman to enter said vessel at any reasonable hour of the day to ascertain and take measures necessary to correct the problem.  The vessel’s owner and/or renter will be responsible for any incurred costs.

E.5      All animals must be leashed and under control at all times.  The pooper-scooper law applies to the Marina including parking area.

Dockmaster Authority
The Dockmaster is responsible for ensuring compliance with regulations of the marina.

F.1      The owner and/or renter shall maintain adequate insurance coverage for the  protection and indemnity of  all non-collision forms of damage caused by their vessel, or those aboard while the vessel uses or occupies any facilities of the Marina.  All owners and renters will have South Minneford Yacht Club listed as Additional Insured on their vessel insurance policy, providing the office with a Certificate of Insurance, commencing April 1, 2005.   The office is to be furnished with a current copy of the insurance policy on a renewed basis, and such records shall be maintained on file.

F.2      The Dockmaster will exercise the exclusive right to allow or disallow visiting vessels.  (Space availability).

F.3      All shareholders and renters will refrain from interfacing,  or interfering with the arrival of visiting vessels. If you feel a tie-up should be questioned, you are requested to contact the Dockmaster or security on Channel 69.

F.4      The captain, owner, or renter of any vessel leaving the Marina for an extended time period should notify the Dockmaster.  Information about the destination, time of arrival, and time of return should be made available to the marina staff.

F.5      With the exception of issues related to safety of vessels, the marina, and people, the South Minneford Yacht Club Dockmaster is authorized to issue letters and Notice of Violation of the Rules and Regulations (NVRR) to owners or renters of slips at the South Minneford Yacht Club. NVRR letters are to be in two categories:  Minor and Major.  The latter designation would represent violations that are judged to threaten the safety and significantly impact on the general condition of the marina.  Under conditions that urgently threaten the safety of the marina, the Dockmaster will take the necessary and appropriate action. 


G.1      Any consent or approval given under these rules by the Board of Directors shall be revocable at any time for cause.  These rules may be added, amended, or repealed at any time by resolution of the Board of Directors or by a vote of the Shareholders.

G.2      The names, addresses, telephone numbers, and occupations of the owners and renters of slips as well as the value of the individual slips and information regarding the financial condition of the South Minneford Yacht Club is to be considered privileged information to be made available for the business of the South Minneford Yacht Club only.  The privacy of the owners and renters is to be respected at all times.

G.3      It is the responsibility of the Shareholder to update the office of any change of addresses and/or telephone numbers.

G.4      In the event of a sale of a slip, it is the responsibility of the Shareholder to submit the appropriate information in writing to the Board of Directors.  In the event of a rental, approval must first be made by the Marina office and appropriate forms prepared, submitted, approved and fees paid.

G.5    Objectionable conduct by an owner and/or renter or his or her guests, that might injure a person, cause damage to property, disturb others, or harm the reputation of the marina, shall be a violation of these marina rules.

G.6    Complaints and/or suggestions regarding the service at the marina should be made in writing to the Board of Directors.

G.7     No owner and/or renter shall send any marina employee out of the marina for any of his or her private business.

G.8     The fixed pier is for the use of the Shareholders. If a Shareholder intends to have more than 10 people, written notification must be made to the President 14 days prior to the event for permission.  All parties of 10 or more persons cannot be held on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or Holidays.

G.9    Vehicles belonging to the owner and/or a member of his or her family, guests, or employees shall be parked in the parking area in a manner to comply with the parking rules and regulations established by the Board of Directors.  Vehicles parked in the loading zone will be towed at the owners expense.  Parking privileges are intended only during boat use or occupancy.  No long-term storage is implied or allowed.

G.10   With the exception of issues related to safety of vessels, the marina, and people, the South Minneford Yacht Club Dockmaster is authorized to issue letters and notice of violation of the rules and regulations (NVRR) to owners or renters of slips at the South Minneford Yacht Club.

  NVRR letters are to be in two categories:  Minor and Major.  The latter designation would represent violations that are judged to threaten the safety and significantly impact on the general condition of the marina.  Under conditions that urgently threaten the safety of the marina, the necessary and appropriate action will be taken by the Dockmaster. 

a)       The NVRR are to be subsequently reviewed by the Board of Directors for confirmation and to receive appeals from owners or renters that have been issued such notice.  The sequence of notifications and dates of action are maintained in the SMYC files.

If there is failure to respond to such notifications, action will be taken first in the form of fines, and secondly and finally by withdrawal of all services of the marina and request for removal of the involved vessel.